- ens_calculator.vortgamma(source_parts: List[ENS_PART] | List[int] | List[str] | ENS_PART | int | str, velocity: ENS_VAR | str | int, gammafunc: int = 1, proximity_radius: float | ENS_VAR | str | int | None = None, proximity_option: int = 0, output_varname: str | None = None) ENS_VAR #
Computes a dimensionless scalar variable on a 2D clip part, whose value is the vorticity-gamma function
- Args:
- source_parts:
Any 2D clip part(s) or a part number.
- velocity:
A velocity variable.
- gammafunc:
Select the vorticity gamma function id.
- proximity_radius:
Specify a proximity radius (model units) to be used around each base node/cell for its proximity area. A constant value, or select a constant or scalar variable.
- proximity_option:
Include all cells containing the target node/cell, plus cells where ‘all’ or ‘any’ of their nodes are within the target node proximity radius.
- output_varname:
The name of the newly created variable
- Returns:
New ENS_VAR instance or None
- Note:
See VortGamma() for function details.