
These examples show how the PyEnSight interfaces work and demonstrate postprocessing workflows leveraging these interfaces.

Basic examples#

These basic examples use the PyEnSight API to produce simple scenes.

Basic usage

Basic usage



Calculator usage

Calculator usage

Particle Trace (Streamline/Pathline) usage

Particle Trace (Streamline/Pathline) usage

Pathline (transient streamline) Creation

Pathline (transient streamline) Creation

Surface Restricted Traces and Line Integral Convolution

Surface Restricted Traces and Line Integral Convolution

Calculate the Net Aerodynamic Forces

Calculate the Net Aerodynamic Forces

Volume Rendering to Visualize Flow

Volume Rendering to Visualize Flow

Intermediate examples#

These intermediate examples use the PyEnSight API for more complex workflows that employ calculator functions, queries, viewports, and annotations.

Design point comparison

Design point comparison



EnSight Utilities

EnSight Utilities

Advanced examples#

These advanced examples use more sophisticated features of the PyEnSight API, including events, parallelism, direct data access, and techniques that improve performance.

Asynchronous event support

Asynchronous event support

Remote Function Execution

Remote Function Execution

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