- ens_calculator.statmoment(source_parts: List[ENS_PART] | List[int] | List[str] | ENS_PART | int | str, opt_variable: float | ENS_VAR | str | int, which: int = 0, result_type: str = 'Compute_Per_case', output_varname: str | None = None) ENS_VAR #
Computes a constant variable defined as the statistics function over all nodes or elements of the parts selected. The statistical functions available are sum, mean, variance, skew, and kurtosis
- Args:
- source_parts:
Any part(s) or a part number.
- opt_variable:
A scalar variable or a value.
- which:
Select the function to compute. 0=sum, 1=mean, 2=variance, 3=skewness, 4=kurtosis.
- result_type:
Per/Case or Per/Part Results
- output_varname:
The name of the newly created variable
- Returns:
New ENS_VAR instance or None
- Note:
See StatMoment() for function details.