
class ansys.api.pyensight.calc_funcs.ens_calculator(ensight: ensight_api.ensight | ensight)#


ens_calculator.area(source_parts[, ...])

Computes a constant variable defined as the sum of the area of the specified parts plus the surface area if any 3D elements exist.

ens_calculator.bl_agradofvelmag(...[, ...])

Computes a vector variable defined as the gradient of the magnitude of the specified velocity variable on the specified boundary part(s)

ens_calculator.bl_cfedge(source_parts, ...)

Computes a scalar variable defined as the edge skin-friction coefficient

ens_calculator.bl_cfwall(source_parts, ...)

Computes a scalar variable defined as the skin-friction coefficient

ens_calculator.bl_cfwallcmp(source_parts, ...)

Computes a scalar variable defined as the component of the skin-friction coefficient tangent or parallel to the wall in either the steam-wise or cross-flow direction

ens_calculator.bl_cfwalltau(source_parts, ...)

Computes a scalar variable defined as the fluid's shear-stress at the wall or in its stream-wise or cross-flow component direction

ens_calculator.bl_dispthick(source_parts, ...)

Computes a scalar variable defined as the boundary-layer displacement thickness

ens_calculator.bl_disttovalue(source_parts, ...)

Computes a scalar variable defined as the distance from the wall to the specified value

ens_calculator.bl_momethick(source_parts, ...)

Computes a scalar variable defined as the boundary momentum thickness

ens_calculator.bl_recoverythick(...[, ...])

Computes a scalar variable defined as the boundary layer recovery thickness

ens_calculator.bl_scalar(source_parts, ...)

Computes a scalar variable defined as the scalar value of the corresponding scalar field at the edge of the boundary layer.

ens_calculator.bl_thick(source_parts, ...[, ...])

Computes a scalar variable defined as the boundary layer thickness

ens_calculator.bl_velocityatedge(...[, ...])

Computes a vector variable defined as one of Ve, Vn, or Vp where Ve = velocity vector at edge of boundary layer, Vn = decomposed velocity vector normal to the wall at the edge of the boundary layer, or Vp = the decomposed velocity vector parallel to the wall at the edge of the boundary layer.

ens_calculator.bl_y1plus(source_parts, ...)

Computes a scalar variable defined as the coefficient-off-the-wall to the 1st field cell centroid

ens_calculator.bl_y1plusdist(source_parts, ...)

Computes a scalar variable defined as the off-the-wall distance to the 1st field cell centroid.

ens_calculator.casemap(source_parts, ...[, ...])

Computes a field variable (scalar, vector, or tensor) on the selected parts by searching for the node/element location in the case specified.

ens_calculator.casemapdiff(source_parts, ...)

Computes a field variable (scalar, vector, or tensor) on the selected parts by searching for the node/element location in the case specified.

ens_calculator.casemapimage(part, variable, ...)

Computes a scalar variable by projecting a 2d image to a 3d geometry given the view in a specific viewport

ens_calculator.cmplx(source_parts, ...[, ...])

Computes a complex scalar or vector from two scalar or vector variables, Z = A + Bi.

ens_calculator.cmplxarg(source_parts, ...[, ...])

Computes a scalar in range -180 to 180 degrees defined as the argument of a complex scalar or vector: Arg = atan(Vi/Vr).

ens_calculator.cmplxconj(source_parts, ...)

Computes a complex scalar or vector defined as the conjugate of a given complex scalar or vector variable: Nr = Vr, Ni = -Vi

ens_calculator.cmplximag(source_parts, ...)

Computes a scalar or vector variable defined as the imaginary portion of a complex scalar/vector

ens_calculator.cmplxmodu(source_parts, ...)

Computes a scalar or vector variable defined as the modulus of a complex scalar/vector

ens_calculator.cmplxreal(source_parts, ...)

Computes a scalar or vector variable defined as the real portion of a complex scalar/vector

ens_calculator.cmplxtransresp(source_parts, ...)

Computes a scalar or vector variable defined as the real transient response of a complex scalar/vector variable given a transient phase angle.

ens_calculator.coeff(source_parts, scalar[, ...])

Computes a constant variable defined as the surface integral of a scalar variable multiplied by the x, y, or z component of the surface normal

ens_calculator.constantperpart(source_parts, ...)

Assigns a constant value as a constant per part variable

ens_calculator.curl(source_parts, vector[, ...])

Computes a vector variable defined as the curl of the vector variable specified


Computes a per element scalar variable defined as the bulk volume of defect cells that share a face.

ens_calculator.defect_count(source_parts, ...)

Computes a constant variable defined as the count of the defects that exist between a specifed min and max value of any of the computed Defect scalar variables.


Computes a per element scalar variable defined as the largest linear extent of the defect.

ens_calculator.defect_netvolume(...[, ...])

Computes a per element scalar variable defined as the sum of the product of cell volumes with the specified scalar variable of the cells comprising the defect.


Computes a per node scalar variable defined as the largest linear extent divided by the diameter of the sphere whose volume equals the bulk volume of cells comprising the defect.


Computes a per element scalar variable defined as the surface area of the defect.

ens_calculator.density(source_parts, ...[, ...])

Computes a scalar variable defined as the density as a function of pressure, temperature, and gas constant

ens_calculator.densitylognorm(source_parts, ...)

Computes a scalar variable defined as the natural log of the normalized density

ens_calculator.densitynorm(source_parts, ...)

Computes a scalar variable defined as the normalized density

ens_calculator.densitynormstag(source_parts, ...)

Computes a scalar variable defined as the normalized stagnation density

ens_calculator.densitystag(source_parts, ...)

Computes a scalar variable defined as the stagnation density

ens_calculator.dist2nodes(source_parts, number)

Computes a constant variable defined as the Euclidean distance between the two node IDs specified

ens_calculator.dist2part(source_parts, ...)

Computes a nodal scalar variable defined as the smallest Euclidean distance from the nodes of the origin part to the nodes of the parts specified.

ens_calculator.dist2partelem(source_parts, ...)

Computes a nodal scalar variable defined as the smallest Euclidean distance from the elements of the origin part to the nodes of the parts specified.

ens_calculator.div(source_parts, vector[, ...])

Computes a scalar variable defined as the divergence of the vector specified.

ens_calculator.elemetric(source_parts[, ...])

Computes a per-element scalar variable on any parts, whose value is one of a collection of element quality metric functions.

ens_calculator.elemtonode(source_parts, ...)

Compute a node based variable from a element based scalar or vector by simple nodal averaging.

ens_calculator.elemtonodeweighted(...[, ...])

Compute a node based variable from a element based scalar or vector by weighted nodal averaging.

ens_calculator.elesize(source_parts[, ...])

Compute an element based scalar variable defined as the length/Area/Volume of 1d/2d/3d elements in the parts specified.

ens_calculator.energyt(source_parts, ...[, ...])

Compute a scalar variable defined as the total energy per unit volume given density, pressure, velocity, and ratio of specific heats.

ens_calculator.enthalpy(source_parts, ...[, ...])

Compute a scalar variable defined as the enthalpy given total energy, density, velocity, and ratio of specific heats.

ens_calculator.enthalpynorm(source_parts, ...)

Compute a scalar variable defined as the normalized enthalpy given total energy, density, velocity, ratio of specific heats, and freestream density and speed of sound

ens_calculator.enthalpynormstag(...[, ...])

Compute a scalar variable defined as the normalized stagnation enthalpy given total energy, density, velocity, ratio of specific heats, and freestream values

ens_calculator.enthalpystag(source_parts, ...)

Compute a scalar variable defined as the stagnation enthalpy given total energy, density, velocity, and ratio of specific heats

ens_calculator.entropy(source_parts, ...[, ...])

Computes a scalar variable defined as the entropy given total energy, density, velocity, ratio of specific heats, gas constant, and freestream values

ens_calculator.flow(source_parts, velocity)

Computes a constant variable defined as the volume flow rate, i.e., the surface integral of the velocity in the surface normal direction.

ens_calculator.flowrate(source_parts, velocity)

Computes a scalar variable defined as the component of velocity in the surface normal direction.

ens_calculator.fluidshear(source_parts, ...)

Computes a scalar variable defined as the shear stress multiplied by the velocity gradient in the surface normal direction

ens_calculator.fluidshearmax(source_parts, ...)

Computes a scalar variable defined as the turbulent plus laminar viscosity multiplied by the local strain

ens_calculator.force(source_parts, pressure)

Computes a vector variable defined as the pressure*area force acting in the surface normal direction.

ens_calculator.force1d(source_parts, ...[, ...])

Computes a vector variable defined as the pressure*length force acting in the normal direction given

ens_calculator.grad(source_parts, ...[, ...])

Computes a vector variable defined as the gradient of a scalar or vector magnitude

ens_calculator.gradtensor(source_parts, vector)

Computes a tensor variable defined as the gradient of a vector variable

ens_calculator.helicitydensity(source_parts, ...)

Computes a scalar variable defined as the helicity computed by dotting the velocity with vorticity

ens_calculator.helicityrelative(...[, ...])

Computes a scalar variable defined as the relative helicity computed by dotting the velocity with vorticity and dividing by the velocity and vorticity magnitudes.

ens_calculator.helicityrelfilter(...[, ...])

Computes a scalar variable defined as the relative filtered helicity = the relative helicity if the helicity density is greater or equal to the filter value and = 0 if the helicity density is less than the filter value.


Computes a scalar variable defined as the iblanking value.

ens_calculator.ijkvalues(source_parts[, ...])

Computes a vector variable defined as the I,J,K values.

ens_calculator.integralline(source_parts, ...)

Computes a constant variable defined as the integral of the variable specified over the length of the part(s)

ens_calculator.integralsurface(source_parts, ...)

Computes a constant variable defined as the integral of the variable specified over the surface of the part(s)

ens_calculator.integralvolume(source_parts, ...)

Computes a constant variable defined as the integral of the variable specified over the volume of the part(s)

ens_calculator.kinen(source_parts, velocity, ...)

Computes a scalar variable defined as the kinetic energy 0.5*rho*V^2

ens_calculator.length(source_parts[, ...])

Computes a constant variable defined as the sum of the length of all 1D elements.

ens_calculator.linevectors(source_parts[, ...])

Computes a nodal vector variable defined as the vector from the first to the last node of each 1d element of the part(s).

ens_calculator.mach(source_parts, density, ...)

Computes a scalar variable defined as Speed/Speed_of_sound where Speed_of_sound is computed from the ratio of specific heats, pressure, and density

ens_calculator.makescalelem(source_parts, ...)

Computes a scalar per element variable defined as a specified value or constant variable


Computes a scalar per element variable defined as the element ids for the part

ens_calculator.makescalnode(source_parts, ...)

Computes a scalar per node variable defined as a specified value or constant variable


Computes a scalar per node variable defined as the node ids for the part

ens_calculator.makevect(source_parts, scalar)

Computes a vector variable using three scalar/constant variables or constant values for the x, y, and z components.


Computes a per element scalar variable defined as the total mass of massed particles that collide with a surface

ens_calculator.massfluxavg(source_parts, ...)

Computes a constant variable defined as the mass flux average

ens_calculator.matspecies(source_parts, ...)

Computes a per element scalar variable defined as the sum of all specified materials and species combinations multiplied by the specific element variable.

ens_calculator.mattoscalar(source_parts[, ...])

Computes a per element scalar variable defined as the material fraction

ens_calculator.max(source_parts, variable[, ...])

Computes a constant variable defined to be the maximum of the variable specified.

ens_calculator.min(source_parts, variable[, ...])

Computes a constant variable defined to be the minimum of the variable specified.

ens_calculator.moment(source_parts, vector)

Computes a constant variable defined to be the x, y, or z moment about the cursor tool location given a force vector

ens_calculator.momentum(source_parts, ...[, ...])

Computes a vector variable defined as density*Velocity

ens_calculator.momentvector(source_parts, force)

Computes a nodal vector variables defined as the x, y, or z moment about each node given a force vector

ens_calculator.nodecount(source_parts[, ...])

Computes a constant variable defined as the number of nodes in the part(s) selected

ens_calculator.nodetoelem(source_parts, ...)

Computes an element based variable from a node based variable

ens_calculator.normal(source_parts[, ...])

Computes an element based vector variable defined as the surface normal for the parts selected

ens_calculator.normc(source_parts, pressure, ...)

Computes a constant variable defined as the normal constraint defined as the surface integral as a function of pressure, velocity, and viscosity

ens_calculator.normvect(source_parts, vector)

Computes a vector variable defined as the normalized unit vector for the vector specified

ens_calculator.offsetfield(source_parts[, ...])

Computes a scalar variable defined as the offset in the surface normal direction (from the border if 3D)

ens_calculator.offsetvar(source_parts, ...)

Computes a variable defined as the variable value offset in the surface normal direction into a field.

ens_calculator.partnumber(source_parts[, ...])

Computes a part or case constant variable defined as the part id number.

ens_calculator.pres(source_parts, density, ...)

Computes a scalar variable defined as Pressure where Pressure is computed from the density, total energy, velocity, and ratio of specific heats

ens_calculator.prescoef(source_parts, ...[, ...])

Computes a scalar variable defined as the Pressure-Coefficient as a function of density, total energy, velocity, ratio of specific heats, and the freestream values

ens_calculator.presdynam(source_parts, ...)

Computes a scalar variable defined as the dynamic pressure as a function of the density and velocity)

ens_calculator.preslognorm(source_parts, ...)

Computes a scalar variable defined as the log (ln) of the pressure divided by the freestream pressure as a function of density, total energy, velocity, ratio of specific heats, and the freestream values

ens_calculator.presnorm(source_parts, ...[, ...])

Computes a scalar variable defined as the normalized pressure = pressure divided by freestream pressure as a function of density, total energy, velocity, ratio of specific heats, and the freestream values

ens_calculator.presnormstag(source_parts, ...)

Computes a scalar variable defined as the normalized stagnation pressure = stagnation pressure divided by freestream stagnation pressure as a function of density, total energy, velocity, ratio of specific heats, and the freestream values

ens_calculator.prespitot(source_parts, ...)

Computes a scalar variable defined as the pitot pressure as a function of density, total energy, velocity, ratio of specific heats

ens_calculator.prespitotratio(source_parts, ...)

Computes a scalar variable defined as the pitot pressure ratio as a function of density, total energy, velocity, ratio of specific heats, and the freestream values

ens_calculator.presstag(source_parts, ...[, ...])

Computes a scalar variable defined as the stagnation pressure as a function of density, total energy, velocity, and ratio of specific heats

ens_calculator.presstagcoef(source_parts, ...)

Computes a scalar variable defined as the stagnation pressure coefficient as a function of density, total energy, velocity, ratio of specific heats, and the freestream values

ens_calculator.prest(source_parts, pressure, ...)

Computes a scalar variable defined as the total pressure = pressure + density*velocity^2/2

ens_calculator.radiograph_grid(source_parts, ...)

Computes a per element scalar variable defined as the integration of a variable in the direction specified through the model given a specified integration step

ens_calculator.radiograph_mesh(source_parts, ...)

Computes a per element scalar variable defined as the integration of the variable in the direction specified through the model given

ens_calculator.recttocyl(source_parts, ...)

Computes a vector variable defined as the radial, tangential, and z component according to specified frame.

ens_calculator.servernumber(source_parts[, ...])

Computes a per element scalar defined as the server number that contains the element.

ens_calculator.shockplot3d(source_parts, ...)

Computes a scalar variable defined as shock using the plot3d definition.

ens_calculator.smoothmesh(source_parts, ...)

Computes a per node vector when applied as a displacement to the part will produce a smoother surface.

ens_calculator.sonicspeed(source_parts, ...)

Computes a scalar variable defined as the sonic speed.

ens_calculator.spamean(source_parts, variable)

Computes a constant variable defined as the volume (or area) weighted mean of the variable specified

ens_calculator.spameanweighted(source_parts, ...)

Computes a constant variable defined as the volume (or area) weighted mean of the variable specified.

ens_calculator.speed(source_parts, velocity)

Computes a scalar variable defined as speed = square root of the sum of the velocity components squared

ens_calculator.statmoment(source_parts, ...)

Computes a constant variable defined as the statistics function over all nodes or elements of the parts selected.

ens_calculator.statregspa(source_parts, y, ...)

Computes a constant value defined as the multi-variate linear regression statistics for the variable selected

ens_calculator.statregval1(source_parts, ...)

Computes a constant value defined as the statistics from a StatReg linear regression.

ens_calculator.statregval2(source_parts, ...)

Computes a constant value defined as the statistics from a StatReg linear regression given a specified coefficient.

ens_calculator.swirl(source_parts, density, ...)

Computes a scalar variable defined as the swirl.

ens_calculator.temperature(source_parts, ...)

Computes a scalar variable defined as temperature.

ens_calculator.temperlognorm(source_parts, ...)

Computes a scalar variable defined as the natural log of the normalized temperature.

ens_calculator.tempernorm(source_parts, ...)

Computes a scalar variable defined as the normalized temperature = temperature/freestream temperature.

ens_calculator.tempernormstag(source_parts, ...)

Computes a scalar variable defined as the normalized stagnation temperature = stagnation temperature/freestream stagnation temperature.

ens_calculator.temperstag(source_parts, ...)

Computes a scalar variable defined as the stagnation temperature.

ens_calculator.tempmean(source_parts, ...[, ...])

Computes a variable defined as the temporal mean of the specified variable at the nodes/elements given a range of timesteps

ens_calculator.tempminmaxfield(source_parts, ...)

Computes a variable defined as the minimum or maximum (user choice) of the specified variable at the nodes/elements given a range of timesteps

ens_calculator.tensorcomponent(source_parts, ...)

Computes a scalar variable defined as the specified component of a tensor

ens_calculator.tensordeterminant(...[, ...])

Computes a scalar variable defined as the determinant of a tensor.

ens_calculator.tensoreigenvalue(...[, ...])

Computes a scalar variable defined as the eigenvalue (1 to 3) of the specified tensor

ens_calculator.tensoreigenvector(...[, ...])

Computes a vector variable defined as the first, second, or third eigenvector of the specified tensor

ens_calculator.tensormake(source_parts, scalar)

Computes a symmetric tensor variable from six scalars.

ens_calculator.tensormakeasym(source_parts, ...)

Computes an asymmetric tensor variable from nine scalars.

ens_calculator.tensortresca(source_parts, ...)

Computes a scalar variable defined as the tresca of the given tensor, three principals, or six tensor components.

ens_calculator.tensorvonmises(source_parts, ...)

Computes a scalar variable defined as the von-mises of the given tensor, three principals, or six tensor components.

ens_calculator.vector1dprojection(...[, ...])

Computes a vector variable defined as the specified vector variable projected into the 1D part's tangent or normal direction

ens_calculator.vectorcylprojection(...[, ...])

Computes a vector variable defined as the specified vector variable projected onto a frame's axis, radial, or theta direction

ens_calculator.vectorrectprojection(...[, ...])

Computes a vector variable defined as the specified vector variable projected onto a frame's x, y, or z direction

ens_calculator.velo(source_parts, momentum, ...)

Computes a vector variable defined as velocity = momentum/density

ens_calculator.vol(source_parts[, ...])

Computes the volume of the parts specified

ens_calculator.vort(source_parts, velocity)

Computes a vector variable defined as the vorticity as a function of velocity

ens_calculator.vortgamma(source_parts, velocity)

Computes a dimensionless scalar variable on a 2D clip part, whose value is the vorticity-gamma function