- ptrace.trace_direction(p0: str) int #
Sets the integration direction for a particle trace - forward in time, backward in time, or both.
By setting this option appropriately, one can see where a particle will go if released from the emitter location (the + direction), or one can see the path that a particle took to get to the emitter location (the - direction).- Args:
- p0:
- Examples:
# # Selecting the trace(s) # ensight.part.select_begin(7,8) # # Modifying attributes for the two selected trace parts # (trace_direction is modified in here) # ensight.part.modify_begin() ensight.ptrace.total_time(2.0000e+02) ensight.ptrace.trace_direction("+/-") # # Updates the traces with the modified attributes # ensight.part.modify_end()
- Returns:
zero on success, non-zero on error