
class ansys.pyensight.core.utils.query.Query(interface: ensight_api.ensight | ensight)#

Provides the ensight.utils.query interface.

The methods in this class implement simplified interfaces to common query-orientated operations, such as creating a temporal or temporal query.

This class is instantiated as ensight.utils.query in EnSight Python and as Session.ensight.utils.query in PyEnSight. The constructor is passed the interface, which serves as the ensight module for either case. As a result, the methods can be accessed as ensight.utils.query.create_distance() in EnSight Python or session.ensight.utils.query.create_distance() in PyEnSight.


Entity that provides the ensight namespace. In the case of EnSight Python, the ensight module is passed. In the case of PyEnSight, Session.ensight is passed.


Query.create_distance(name, query_type, ...)

Create an EnSight query over a distance object.

Query.create_temporal(name, query_type, ...)

Create an EnSight query over time.
