- class ansys.api.pyensight.ensight_api.ptrace(session: Session)#
Class wrapper for EnSight ptrace module
This class acts as a proxy for the EnSight Python module ensight.ptrace
(args)This command has not yet been documented.
(p0, p1, p2)This command has not yet been documented.
Ptrace: add_default_bypart
Ptrace: add_default_file
(p0, p1)Ptrace: add_default_net
Ptrace: add_default_pt
Ptrace: add_default_rake
(p0, p1, p2, ...)Ptrace: add_default_surface_net
(p0, p1)Ptrace: add_default_surface_pt
(p0, p1, p2, ...)Ptrace: add_default_surface_rake
(p0)Adds emitters (and thus more traces) to the current particle trace part(s) according to the time and locations as defined in the file.
(p0, p1)Add emitters (and thus more traces) to the current particle trace part(s) from
(p0)Ptrace: add_part
Ptrace: add_partbyname
Adds emitters (and thus more traces) to the current particle trace part(s) from the current location of the cursor (a point).
(p0)Add emitters (and thus more traces) to the current particle trace part(s) from the current line tool.
(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5)Add emitters (and thus more traces) to the current particle trace part(s) from the grid of a screen box pick.
(p0, p1)Adds emitters (and thus more traces) to the current surface restricted particle trace part(s) from a screen point pick location.
(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4)Add emitters (and thus more traces) to the current surface restricted particle trace part(s) from a screen pick rake location.
(p0)Toggles particle trace animation on or off for selected traces.
Specify the size of arrowheads to show along particle traces.
(p0)Specify the type of arrowheads to show along particle traces.
Delimit the modifications for particle trace attributes.
(p0, p1, p2, p3)Ptrace: color_emission
(p0, p1, p2)Specifies the contribution of the components of the flow field vector variable through which the particle trace will be integrated.
Ptrace: compute_using_periodicity
(*args, **kwargs)Ptrace: create_bypart
(p0, p1, p2)Create a particle trace from the nodes of a part, where the part is referred to by name.
Ptrace: create_default
Create particle traces from the current location of the line tool.
(p0, p1)Create particle traces from the plane tool.
This command has not yet been documented.
Ptrace: create_part
Ptrace: create_partbyname
Create a particle trace from the current location of the cursor (a point).
Create particle traces from the current location of the line tool.
(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5)Create surface restricted particle traces from a screen box pick.
(p0, p1)Create a surface restricted particle trace from a screen point pick location.
(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4)Create surface restricted particle traces from a screen pick rake location.
This command has not yet been documented.
This command has not yet been documented.
(*args, **kwargs)This command has not yet been documented.
(p0, p1, p2)This command has not yet been documented.
Set the default filename for file emitters and sets the user interface Emit From option to be File.
(p0, p1)Set the default number of x and y grid points for net emitters, and sets the user interface Emit From option to be Plane.
Ptrace: default_emit_part
Ptrace: default_emit_partbyname
Set the user interface Emit From option to be Cursor.
Set the default number of emission points for rake emitters, and sets the user interface Emit From option to be Line.
Remove emitters from a particle trace part (and their associated traces).
Specifies the time interval between emissions from the emitters.
Sets the distance normal to the surface at which the surface restricted trace will be displayed.
(args)Ptrace: dummy_chng_slot
(p0)Ptrace: elt_part
Ptrace: elt_partbyname
Sets the emission time for a particle trace to be current time when the particle trace is created.
Ptrace: emit_density
Delimit the modifications for particle trace attributes.
Ptrace: hide_emission
If the massed_use_ballistic toggle is ON then this is the ballistic coefficient to use
This command has not yet been documented.
Set the coefficient of friction for use with the massed particle rebound capability
Set the coefficient of restitution for use with the massed particle rebound capability
Specify whether the drag force term is used in the massed-particle calculation.
Specify the name of the drag coefficient function table to be used in the drag force term of the massed-particle calculation.
Specify the density of the corresponding fluid field where the massed-particles are traced.
Specify the dynamic viscosity of the corresponding fluid field where the massed-particles are traced.
Specify whether the gravity force term is used in the massed-particle calculation.
(p0, p1, p2)Specify the name of the gravity vector used in the pressure force term of the massed-particle calculation.
Specify whether to use the velocity of the fluid at the particle emitter location as the initial velocity of the massed-particle.
(p0, p1, p2)Specify the initial emitter velocity vector to be used on all the massed-particles.
Specify the density of all the massed-particles.
Specify the diameter of all the massed-particles.
Enable or disable massed-particle trace calculation.
Specify whether the pressure force term is used in the massed-particle calculation.
Specify the name of the pressure gradient variable used in the pressure force term of the massed-particle calculation.
Turn on/off the use of massed particle rebound coefficients.
If using massed particle restitution this sets a termination criteria.
If using massed particle restitution this sets a termination criteria.
If using massed particle restitution this sets a termination criteria.
(p0)Sets the maximum angle between successive particle trace line segments that will trigger a halving of the integration step.
(p0)Sets the minimum angle between successive particle trace line segments that will trigger a doubling of the integration step.
(p0)Sets the minimum number of integration steps to perform in each element
(p0, p1, p2)This command has not yet been documented.
This command has not yet been documented.
(p0, p1)Change the location of the emitter in a particle trace part.
Change the emitter file name for a file emitter.
(p0, p1, p2)Change the number of emission points for a particular net emitter in a particle trace part.
(p0, p1)Ptrace: modify_partemit_byname
(p0, p1)Ptrace: modify_partemit_num
(p0, p1)Change the number of emission points for a particular rake emitter in a particle trace part.
(args)This command has not yet been documented.
Ptrace: #_of_arrows
Ptrace: pick_surface_oncreatecmd
Ptrace: random_color_emissions
Sets the display representation for a particle trace.
Sets the width for ribbon or square tube particle trace representations.
(p0)Sets the angle between successive particle trace line segments that will trigger a halving of the integration step.
(*args, **kwargs)Ptrace: select_begin
Sets the currently selected particle trace parts to none, so any following attribute modifications will change the particle trace defaults.
Ptrace: select_emitname_begin
Ptrace: select_emitname_end
(*args, **kwargs)Select emitters within a particle trace part for the purpose of modifying emitter attributes, deleting, etc.
Ptrace: show_emissions
Specifies the solution time at which to begin particle emission.
Toggles trace creation to be surface restricted or not.
This command has not yet been documented.
This command has not yet been documented.
Sets the maximum length of time that the particle trace is allowed to continue.
Sets the integration direction for a particle trace - forward in time, backward in time, or both.
(p0)Sets the type of particle trace that will be created.
(p0)Specifies the vector variable to use for the flow field for the particle trace.
Sets the distance from the surface into the flow field at which the velocity variable will be sampled.
Ptrace: width_scale_factor