
class ansys.api.pyensight.ensight_api.sepattach(session: Session)#

Class wrapper for EnSight sepattach module

This class acts as a proxy for the EnSight Python module ensight.sepattach



Delimit the modifications for separation or attachment line attributes.


Create separation and attachment line parts using the currently selected 2D parts and defined attributes.


Specify the density variable to use in creating/updating the default separation and attachment line part attributes and/or the selected separation and attachment line part(s).


Specify the offset from the 2D parent part(s) surface from which to display (or lift) the separation and attachment line parts.


Delimit the modifications for separation or attachment line attributes.


Specify the method, or algorithm, in which to compute the separation and attachment line parts, from either 2D parent part(s) or in recomputing existing 1D separation and attachment line parts.


Specify the momentum variable to use in creating/updating the default separation and attachment line part attributes and/or the selected separation and attachment line part(s).


Specify the ratio of specific heat constant value or variable name to use in creating/updating the default separation and attachment line attributes and/or selected separation and attachment part(s).


Specify that the default attributes of the separation and attachment line parts are to be set for all subsequent separation and attachment line creates and updates.


Specify the threshold variable description by which to filter the segments of the selected separation and attachment line parts.


Specify how to filter out segments of the specified separation and attachment line part, according to the specified threshold variable and value.


Specify the maximum/minimum threshold limit under which to filter the threshold value of the selected separation and attachment line part(s).


Specify the maximum/minimum threshold limit under which to filter the threshold value of the selected separation and attachment line part(s).


Specify the threshold value by which to filter the segments from the selected separation and attachment line part(s).


Specify the velocity variable to use in creating/updating the default separation and attachment line part attributes and/or the selected separation and attachment line part(s).