- class ansys.api.pyensight.ensight_api.anim_flipbook(session: Session)#
Class wrapper for EnSight anim_flipbook module
This class acts as a proxy for the EnSight Python module ensight.anim_flipbook
Specify a beginning simulation time value to start the flipbook animation.
Specify a beginning time step value to start the flipbook animation.
Specify the automatic playback sequence of the flipbook.
Specify to delete the currently loaded flipbook.
Anim_flipbook: delete_gpucache
Specifies the playback-speed factor, or the display speed at which the flipbook animates.
(p0, p1, p2, p3, ...)Specify dynamic flipbook animation of the selected 1d-clip line part.
(p0, p1, p2, p3, ...)Specify dynamic flipbook animation of the selected 2d-clip plane part.
(p0, p1, p2)Specify dynamic flipbook animation of the selected isosurface, xyz-clip, or ijk-clip part, within the appropriate specified dynamic ranges.
Specify an ending simulation time value to start the flipbook animation.
Specify an ending time step value to start the flipbook animation.
Specify the start and stop of the recording of interactive movement of any specified isosurface or clip parts during a flipbook load.
Specify the loading of the flipbook pages, according to the selected part(s) and specified flipbook options.
Specify whether to load the flipbook as graphic objects or images.
Specifies the type of flipbook animation to load.
(p0, p1, p2, ...)Specify the vector in which the 2d-clip plane part is to be transformed.
Specify the number of pages to create in the flipbook animation.
Specify which page of the flipbook animation to display.
Specify that the flipbook is to be played backward/forward.
Specify that the flipbook is to be played backward/forward.
Anim_flipbook: play_style
Anim_flipbook: query_attributes
Anim_flipbook: query_loaded
Anim_flipbook: query_running
Toggle indicating whether to regenerate existing flipbook pages when loading a flipbook.
Anim_flipbook: restore_images
Anim_flipbook: run
Specify how to play the flipbook animation.
Specify the file name prefix into which each flipbook animation page (or each image) will be recorded.
When recording an animation flipbook with a detached display this option will save a file for each display if on.
(p0, p1)Specify the x and y window dimensions of the flipbook animation images.
Specify the size of the window/image into which to play/record the flipbook animation.
When loading a flipbook load all timesteps that exist.
Specify the starting page from which to run the flipbook animation.
Specify the ending page to which to run the flipbook animation.
Specify the paging units for the flipbook animation.
Step back/forward one frame of a flipbook.
Specify the time step increment by which to run the transient_data flipbook animation.
Step back/forward one frame of a flipbook.
Anim_flipbook: step_increment
Specify the simulation-time increment by which to run the transient_data flipbook animation.
Stop playing a flipbook.
Specify which page of the flipbook animation to display.
Anim_flipbook: use_gpucache