
ensight.version(element: str = '') Any#

EnSight version information

Return EnSight version information.


The specific value to return is selected by the element argument. If no element name is specified, the return value will be a list in the form:

[‘22.2.0(a)’, ‘Standard’, ‘win64’, ‘C:Program Files (x86)CEI’, ‘22.2.0(a)’, None, {‘lmtype’: ‘ANSYS’, ‘customer’: ‘1’, ‘host’: ‘HOSTNAME’, ‘username’: ‘USER’, ‘keypath’: ‘Ansys’}, ‘222’, ‘Qt’, ‘222’]

Valid (non-empty) element strings include:
  • ‘version-full’ - EnSight version display string, for example: ‘2022 R1’

  • ‘numeric’ - EnSight version broken down as a list of integers and a single string in the form: [year, release, patch, beta]. For example: [2022, 1, 0, ‘Beta’]

  • ‘year’ - Year portion of the ‘numeric’ list (e.g. 2022)

  • ‘rel’ - Release portion of the ‘numeric’ list (e.g. 1)

  • ‘patch’ - Patch number portion of the ‘numeric’ list (e.g. 0)

  • ‘suffix’ - Suffix number used internally for naming files/directories/etc (e.g. 221)

  • ‘customer’ - Customer name from the licensing system (both flex and SLiM)

  • ‘company’ - Company name from the licensing system

  • ‘product’ - The current name of the EnSight product: ‘EnSight’, ‘EnVision’, etc

  • ‘mode’ - License type: “batch”, “HPC”, “Standard”, etc

  • ‘license’ - Same as ‘mode’

  • ‘flavor’ - Same as ‘mode’

  • ‘arch’ - System architecture: ‘linux_2.6_64’, ‘win64’, etc

  • ‘CEI_HOME’ - Base installation directory

  • ‘home’ - Same as ‘CEI_HOME’

  • ‘lmtype’ - License manage name: “ANSYS”, “SLiM” or “FSI”

  • ‘haveServer’ - Boolean that will be True if a server or an SOS is connected

  • ‘haveSOS’ - Boolean that will be True if an SOS is connected

  • ‘username’ - User name the license is checked out to

  • ‘hostname’ - Host name of the system EnSight is running on

  • ‘verbose’ - The current output verbosity level as an integer


The queried value