
file.restore_full_backup(p0: str) int#

Restore an EnSight archive (restart) file.

The file specified must be located on the EnSight client machine.
The file specified contains the file names of the archive files for both the client and server machines.
When an EnSight archive file is restored, the EnSight command file used to generate the archive file is also restored. The command file is named ensig********.restore and is usually located in /usr/tmp (UNIX) or the user’s home directory (windows). The restored command file contains the commands from the last EnSight session. In the case where the session was started with an archive restore, the command file will not be complete.
Archive files are usually not compatible between major EnSight releases and are usually not portable between machines. Should the restore of an archive fail, the user should consider using the command file mentioned above.

‘filename’ name of the EnSight archive file


zero on success, non-zero on error