
class ansys.api.pyensight.ensight_api.function(session: Session)#

Class wrapper for EnSight function module

This class acts as a proxy for the EnSight Python module ensight.function


function.add_band_at_value(*args, **kwargs)

Function: add_band_at_value

function.add_bands_at_levels(*args, **kwargs)

This command has not yet been documented.

function.add_bands_uniformly(*args, **kwargs)

Function: add_bands_uniformly

function.add_knot(*args, **kwargs)

Function: add_knot

function.alpha_volume_scale(*args, **kwargs)

Function: alpha_volume_scale

function.band_add_type(*args, **kwargs)

This command has not yet been documented.

function.band_clear_all(*args, **kwargs)

This command has not yet been documented.

function.band_clear_last(*args, **kwargs)

This command has not yet been documented.

function.band_color(*args, **kwargs)

This command has not yet been documented.

function.band_number_items(*args, **kwargs)

This command has not yet been documented.

function.band_width(*args, **kwargs)

This command has not yet been documented.

function.begin(*args, **kwargs)

Function: begin

function.color_space(*args, **kwargs)

Function: color_space

function.copy_palette(*args, **kwargs)

Function: copy_palette

function.copy_subpalette(*args, **kwargs)

Function: copy_subpalette

function.create_palette(*args, **kwargs)

Function: create_palette

function.create_subpalette(*args, **kwargs)

Function: create_subpalette*args, **kwargs)

Function: degree

function.del_knot(*args, **kwargs)

Function: del_knot

function.delete_full_palet(*args, **kwargs)

Function: delete_full_palet

function.delete_subpalette(*args, **kwargs)

Function: delete_subpalette

function.description(*args, **kwargs)

Function: description

function.display_undefined(*args, **kwargs)

Selects how elements/nodes, at which variables are undefined, will be displayed.

function.edit_level(*args, **kwargs)

Sets the level in the palette for which value or color will be set/modified.

function.end(*args, **kwargs)

Function: end

function.level(*args, **kwargs)

Function: level

function.levels_lock(*args, **kwargs)

Function: levels_lock

function.limit_fringes(*args, **kwargs)

Selects how shaded elements above or below the min and max palette levels will be displayed.

function.modify_begin(*args, **kwargs)

Groups function attribute commands together before applying them.

function.modify_end(*args, **kwargs)

Groups function attribute commands together before applying them.

function.nlevels(*args, **kwargs)

Function: nlevels

function.node_lock(*args, **kwargs)

Function: node_lock

function.number_of_colors(*args, **kwargs)

Function: #_of_colors

function.number_of_levels(*args, **kwargs)

Function: #_of_levels

function.over_time(*args, **kwargs)

Sets the option to include variable ranges over a time range on or off.

function.palette(*args, **kwargs)

Selects the palette that will be modified.

function.point(*args, **kwargs)

Function: point

function.range(*args, **kwargs)

Set the min and max range for a variable palette.

function.reset_range_time_chng(*args, **kwargs)

Function: reset_range_time_chng

function.restore(*args, **kwargs)

Restore a previously saved palette from a file.

function.restore_predefinedpal(*args, **kwargs)

Restores predefined palettes that are in the user's default palette directory.

function.rgb(*args, **kwargs)

Function: rgb*args, **kwargs)

Save the palette for the currently selected variable.

function.save_all(*args, **kwargs)

Save all palettes to a file.

function.save_current_case(*args, **kwargs)

Save palettes, of active variables of the currently selected case, to a file.

function.scale(*args, **kwargs)

Sets the type of scale for value-separation of levels.

function.select_default(*args, **kwargs)

Set palette selection to none, so that subsequent function attribute commands will apply to the default.

function.set_palette_to_minmax(*args, **kwargs)

Set palette to the min/max of the variable.

function.set_palette_to_partminmax(*args, ...)

This command has not yet been documented.

function.set_palette_to_viewminmax(*args, ...)

This command has not yet been documented.

function.tie_to_var(*args, **kwargs)

Function: tie_to_var

function.type(*args, **kwargs)

Sets the type of color gradation that will be applied across elements.

function.undefined_color(*args, **kwargs)

Function: undefined_color

function.use_cont_for_elem_vars(*args, **kwargs)

Function: use_cont_for_elem_vars

function.use_subpal(*args, **kwargs)

Function: use_subpal

function.value(*args, **kwargs)

Sets the value to associate with a level in the palette.