- class ansys.api.pyensight.ensight_api.plot(session: Session)#
Class wrapper for EnSight plot module
This class acts as a proxy for the EnSight Python module ensight.plot
Turns animation of curves with time on or off for the currently selected plot(s).
(p0)Plot: auto_scale
Plot: axis_2_autoscale
Plot: axis_2_labelformat
(p0, p1, p2)Plot: axis_2_labelrgb
Plot: axis_2_labelsize
Plot: axis_2_labeltype
(p0)Plot: axis_2_max
(p0)Plot: axis_2_min
Plot: axis_2_title
(p0, p1, p2)Plot: axis_2_titlergb
Plot: axis_2_titlesize
Plot: axis_2_variable
Plot: axis_2_visible
Plot: axis_auto_layout
Plot: axis_auto_update
Sets the axis line width of the currently selected plot(s).
(p0, p1, p2)Specifies the RGB color value of the axis for the currently selected plot(s).
(p0)Plot: axis_swap
Swaps the axis min and max values for the specified axis of the currently selected plot.
(p0)Plot: axis_title
(p0)Plot: axis_titles
This command has not yet been documented.
Specifies the type of grid that will be drawn for the x/y axis of the currently selected plot.
Sets the format to be used for x/y axis value labels in the currently selected plot.
(p0, p1, p2)Specifies the RGB color value of the x/y axis label for the currently selected plot(s).
Sets the size of the x/y axis label text in the currently selected plot.
Specifies how the x/y axis is labeled in the currently selected plot.
(p0)Sets the maximum value for the x/y axis labels in the currently selected plot.
(p0)Sets the minimum value for the x/y axis labels in the currently selected plot.
Sets the number of grid lines to be used along the x/y axis of the currently selected plot(s).
Sets the number of subgrid lines to be used along the x/y axis of the currently selected plot(s).
Sets the value of the x/y axis origin for the currently selected plot(s).
Selects the type of scale used for the x/y axis of the currently selected plot(s).
Specifies the type of subgrid that will be drawn for the x/y axis of the currently selected plot.
(p0)This command has not yet been documented.
Sets the title string for the x/y axis of the currently selected plot.
(p0, p1, p2)Specifies the RGB color value of the x/y axis title for the currently selected plot(s).
Sets the size of the x/y axis title in the currently selected plot.
Controls the visibility of the x/y axis of the currently selected plot(s).
This command has not yet been documented.
Specifies the type of grid that will be drawn for the x/y axis of the currently selected plot.
Sets the format to be used for x/y axis value labels in the currently selected plot.
(p0, p1, p2)Specifies the RGB color value of the x/y axis label for the currently selected plot(s).
Sets the size of the x/y axis label text in the currently selected plot.
Specifies how the x/y axis is labeled in the currently selected plot.
(p0)Sets the maximum value for the x/y axis labels in the currently selected plot.
(p0)Sets the minimum value for the x/y axis labels in the currently selected plot.
Sets the number of grid lines to be used along the x/y axis of the currently selected plot(s).
Sets the number of subgrid lines to be used along the x/y axis of the currently selected plot(s).
Sets the value of the x/y axis origin for the currently selected plot(s).
Selects the type of scale used for the x/y axis of the currently selected plot(s).
Specifies the type of subgrid that will be drawn for the x/y axis of the currently selected plot.
(p0)This command has not yet been documented.
Sets the title string for the x/y axis of the currently selected plot.
(p0, p1, p2)Specifies the RGB color value of the x/y axis title for the currently selected plot(s).
Sets the size of the x/y axis title in the currently selected plot.
Plot: axis_y_variable
Controls the visibility of the x/y axis of the currently selected plot(s).
(p0, p1, p2)Specifies the background RGB color value for the currently selected plot(s).
Plot: background_transparency
Specifies the background type of the currently selected plot.
(p0, p1, p2)Specifies the border RGB color value for the currently selected plot(s).
Controls the visibility of the border of the currently selected plot(s).
(p0)Plot: curve_title
Plot: delete
Deletes the currently selected plot(s).
(p0, p1, p2)This command has not yet been documented.
This command has not yet been documented.
Plot: entity_select_begin
Plot: entity_select_end
(p0)Plot: graph_title
Plot: graph_titles
Specifies the type of grid lines that will be drawn for the currently selected plot.
Sets the grid line width of the currently selected plot(s).
(p0, p1, p2)Specifies the RGB color value of the grid for the currently selected plot(s).
(p0)Plot: group
(p0)Sets the height of the currently selected plot.
This command has not yet been documented.
This command has not yet been documented.
This command has not yet been documented.
This command has not yet been documented.
This command has not yet been documented.
This command has not yet been documented.
This command has not yet been documented.
(p0, p1, p2)Specifies the RGB color value of the legend for the currently selected plot(s).
Sets the size of legend text in the currently selected plot.
Controls the visibility of the legend for the currently selected plot(s).
Plot: new_plot
This command has not yet been documented.
(p0)Specifies the x/y coordinate of the origin of the selected plot in the graphics window.
(p0)Specifies the x/y coordinate of the origin of the selected plot in the graphics window.
Plot: plot_activate
(p0)Plot: plot_desc
(p0)Sets the title string for the currently selected plot.
(args)Plot: query_count
Plot: query_display_attributes
Plot: query_object_atwindowxy
Plot: query_objects_atwindowxy
(p0)Plot: rescale
(p0)Plot: restore
(p0)Plot: save
Selects all of the plots in the graphics window as the target for future plot: commands.
(p0)Plot: select_axis
(*args, **kwargs)Selects one or more plots in the graphics window as the target for future plot: commands
Plot: select_default
Specifies the type of subgrid lines that will be drawn for the currently selected plot.
Sets the subgrid line width of the currently selected plot(s).
(p0, p1, p2)Specifies the RGB color value of the subgrid for the currently selected plot(s).
(p0)Controls the visibility of the time marker in the selected plot(s).
(p0, p1, p2)Controls the color of the time marker in the selected plot(s).
Controls the line style of the time marker in the selected plot(s).
This command has not yet been documented.
Controls the width of the time marker in the selected plot(s).
(p0, p1, p2)Specifies the RGB color value of the title for the currently selected plot(s).
Sets the size of title text in the currently selected plot.
Plot: unplot_deactivate
(p0)Controls the visibility of the selected plot(s) in the graphics window.
(p0)Sets the width of the currently selected plot.