
ensight.sendmesgoptions(record: int = 0, display: int = 0, exception: int = 0, noexec: int = 0) None#

Control the operation of EnSight native API and sendmesg() calls

This method sets the default values for the exception, record, display and noexec keywords in the ensight.sendmesg() method and the EnSight native Python API.

For example:

session.ensight.sendmesgoptions(record=1, display=1)
session.ensight.sendmesg("shell: echo A")

results in the shell: command being both logged and printed. The commands:

ensight.sendmesgoptions(record=1, display=1)
ensight.sendmesg("shell: echo A", record=0)

results in the shell: command being printed, but not recorded.


If set to 1, commands will be logged to the EnSight command journal.


If set to 1, commands will echo the commands text to the EnSight console.


If set to 1, and a command results in an error, a Python runtime exception will be raised.


If set to 1, allow the record and display operations to run as selected, but actual execution of the command is suppressed.