
Export.image(filename: str, width: int | None = None, height: int | None = None, passes: int = 4, enhanced: bool = False, raytrace: bool = False) None#

Render an image of the current EnSight scene.


Name of the local file to save the image to.

widthint, optional

Width of the image in pixels. The default is None, in which case `ensight.objs.core.WINDOWSIZE[0] is used.

heightint, optional

Height of the image in pixels. The default is None, in which case ensight.objs.core.WINDOWSIZE[1] is used.

passesint, optional

Number of antialiasing passes. The default is 4.

enhancedbool, optional

Whether to save the image to the filename specified in the TIFF format. The default is False. The TIFF format includes additional channels for the per-pixel object and variable information.

raytracebool, optional

Whether to render the image with the raytracing engine. The default is False.


>>> s = LocalLauncher().start()
>>> s.load_data(f"{s.cei_home}/ensight{s.cei_suffix}/data/cube/")
>>> s.ensight.utils.export.image("example.png")