
Export.animation(filename: str, width: int | None = None, height: int | None = None, passes: int = 4, anim_type: int = 0, frames: int | None = None, starting_frame: int = 0, frames_per_second: float = 60.0, format_options: str | None = '', raytrace: bool = False) None#

Generate an MPEG4 animation file.

An MPEG4 animation file can be generated from temporal data, flipbooks, keyframes, or animated traces.


Name for the MPEG4 file to save to local disk.

widthint, optional

Width of the image in pixels. The default is None, in which case ensight.objs.core.WINDOWSIZE[0] is used.

heightint, optional

Height of the image in pixels. The default is None, in which case ensight.objs.core.WINDOWSIZE[1] is used.

passesint, optional

Number of antialiasing passes. The default is 4.

anim_typeint, optional

Type of the animation to render. The default is 0, in which case "ANIM_TYPE_SOLUTIONTIME" is used. This table provides descriptions by each option number and name:


Animation type


Animation over all solution times


Records animated rotations and traces


Records current flipbook animation


Records current kKeyframe animation

framesint, optional

Number of frames to save. The default is None. The default for all but ANIM_TYPE_ANIMATEDTRACES covers all timesteps, flipbook pages, or keyframe steps. If ANIM_TYPE_ANIMATEDTRACES is specified, this keyword is required.

starting_frameint, optional

Keyword for saving a subset of the complete collection of frames. The default is 0.

frames_per_secondfloat, optional

Number of frames per second for playback in the saved animation. The default is 60.0.

format_optionsstr, optional

More specific options for the MPEG4 encoder. The default is "".

raytracebool, optional

Whether to render the image with the raytracing engine. The default is False.


>>> s = LocalLauncher().start()
>>> data = f"{s.cei_home}/ensight{s.cei_suffix}gui/demos/Crash Queries.ens"
>>> s.ensight.objs.ensxml_restore_file(data)
>>> quality = "Quality Best Type 1"
>>> s.ensight.utils.export.animation("local_file.mp4", format_options=quality)