
Session.exec(function: Callable, *args, remote: bool = False, **kwargs) Any#

Run a function containing EnSight API calls locally or in the EnSight interpreter.

The function is in this form:

def myfunc(ensight, *args, **kwargs):
    return value

The exec() method allows for the function to be executed in the PyEnSight Python interpreter or the (remote) EnSight interpreter. Thus, a function making a large number of RPC calls can run much faster than if it runs solely in the PyEnSight interpreter.

These constraints exist on this capability:

  • The function may only use arguments passed to the exec() method and can only return a single value.

  • The function cannot modify the input arguments.

  • The input arguments must be serializable and the PyEnSight Python interpreter version must match the version in EnSight.

remotebool, optional

Whether to execute the function in the (remote) EnSight interpreter.


>>> from ansys.pyensight.core import LocalLauncher
>>> session = LocalLauncher().start()
>>> options = dict()
>>> options['Verbose mode'] = 'OFF'
>>> options['Use ghost elements'] = 'OFF'
>>> options['Long names'] = 'OFF'
>>> options['Compatibility mode'] = 'ON'
>>> options['Move Transient Parts'] = 'ON'
>>> options['Element type'] = 'Tri 3'
>>> options['Boundary ghosts'] = 'None'
>>> options['Spread out parts'] = 'Legacy'
>>> options['Number of spheres'] = 100
>>> options['Number of cubes'] = 100
>>> options['Number of planes'] = 0
>>> options['Number of elements start'] = 1000
>>> options['Number of elements end'] = 1000
>>> options['Number of timesteps'] = 1
>>> options['Part scaling factor'] = 1.000000e+00
>>> options['Random number seed'] = 0
>>> options['Number of scalars'] = 3
>>> options['Number of vectors'] = 3
>>> options['Number of constants'] = 3
>>> session.load_data("dummy", file_format="Synthetic", reader_options=options)
>>> def count(ensight, attr, value):
>>>     import time
>>>     start = time.time()
>>>     count = 0
>>>     for p in ensight.objs.core.PARTS:
>>>         if p.getattr(attr) == value:
>>>             count += 1
>>> print(count(session.ensight, "VISIBLE", True))
>>> print(session.exec(count, "VISIBLE", True))
>>> print(session.exec(count, "VISIBLE", True, remote=True))