.. _omniverse_info: PyEnSight/ANSYS Omniverse Interface =================================== This release of PyEnSight includes an interface to export the surfaces in the current EnSight scene to an Omniverse server. This functionality is was developed against the "203" (2023.x) version of Omniverse. Other versions may or may not work. The interface supports EnSight 2023 R2 or later. The API is available through a PyEnSight session instance, from EnSight Python directly as (ensight.utils.omniverse for 2025 R1 and later) and from within Omniverse applications via the ansys.tools.omniverse.core and ansys.tools.omniverse.dsgui kit extensions. The Python API is defined here: :class:`Omniverse`. Omniverse System Configuration ------------------------------ To use this functionality, a local installation of Omniverse is required. Please `install Omniverse `_ along with one application like "Create" or "View" on your local system before attempting to use this interface. PyEnSight and EnSight Python API ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ``omniverse`` pyensight module will look for and leverage locally installed Omniverse to provide its APIs. If you are using the `ansys-pyensight-core `_ module in your own python, one can just use the API like this: .. code-block:: python from ansys.pyensight.core import LocalLauncher s = LocalLauncher(batch=False).start() s.load_example("waterbreak.ens") # Start a new connection between EnSight and Omniverse uri = "omniverse://localhost/Users/water" s.ensight.utils.omniverse.create_connection(uri) # Do some more work... # Push a scene update s.ensight.utils.omniverse.update() .. note:: The ``batch=False`` option used in the examples causes the EnSight GUI to be displayed together with the Omniverse Composer GUI. Also, care must be taken to close the EnSight session before exiting an Omniverse application hosting a PyEnSight session or is it possible to leave the EnSight instance running. From inside an EnSight session, the API is similar: .. code-block:: python # Start a DSG server in EnSight first (_, grpc_port, security) = ensight.objs.core.grpc_server(port=0, start=True) # Start a new connection between the EnSight DSG server and Omniverse options = {"host": "", "port": str(grpc_port)} if security: options["security"] = security uri = "omniverse://localhost/Users/water" ensight.utils.omniverse.create_connection(uri, options=options) # Do some more work... # Push a scene update ensight.utils.omniverse.update() After running the script, the scene will appear in the Nucleus tree view as ``User/water``. The file ``dsg_scene.usd`` can be loaded into Composer. The ``ensight.utils.omniverse.update()`` command can be used to update the USD data in Omniverse, reflecting any recent changes in the EnSight scene. Starting with 2025 R1, one can also access Omniverse via an EnSight user-defined tool: .. image:: /_static/omniverse_tool.png This tool will only be available if EnSight detects an installed copy of Omniverse. Clicking on "Connect to Omniverse" executes something similar to the previous Python snippet and the button will change to a mode where it just executes ``ensight.utils.omniverse.update()``. PyEnSight/Omniverse kit from Within an Omniverse Application ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To install the service (and the pyensight module) into an Omniverse application, one can install is via the third party extensions dialog. Select the ``Extensions`` option from the ``Window`` menu. Select third party extensions and filter by ``ANSYS``. Enabling the extension will install it, along with the ansys.pyensight.core module. .. image:: /_static/omniverse_extension.png At this point, the same pyensight script run in the Omniverse ``Script Editor`` panel can be used to connect to an EnSight session or the GUI panel can be used to connect to a copy of EnSight that was launched with the ``-grpc_server {port}`` option specified. The ``ansys.tools.omniverse.dsgui`` kit includes a GUI similar to the EnSight 2025 R1 user-defined tool. It allows one to select a target URI in Omniverse and the details of a gRPC connection to a running EnSight. For example, if one launches EnSight with ``ensight.bat -grpc_server 2345``, then the uri: ``grpc://`` can to used to request a locally running EnSight to push the current scene to Omniverse. .. note:: If the ``ansys.tools.omniverse.core`` and ``ansys.tools.omniverse.dsgui`` do not show up in the Community extensions list in Omniverse, then it can be added to the ``Extension Search Paths`` list as: ``git://github.com/ansys/pyensight.git?branch=main&dir=exts``. Developers: Running development builds -------------------------------------- There are several different ways for developers working on these features to debug and test them. There is a command line approach perhaps more suited to the pyensight developer and there is an Omniverse tool GUI approach that can be useful when looking to develop/extend the UI kits. From the Command Line ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Omniverse kits can be run as command line tools and the ``ansys.tools.omniverse.core`` is designed to support this mode of operation as well. For this to work, one needs a copy of the pyensight wheel and the name of a ``kit`` executable. The pyensight wheel can be built by checking out the repo and building it. One can find the location of a kit via the ``Omniverse Launcher`` application using the ``Settings`` option: .. image:: /_static/omniverse_create_location.png Consider an example where the create app has been installed and the file ``C:\Users\user1\AppData\Local\ov\pkg\create-2023.2.5\kit.bat`` exists. A copy of the pyensight repo is located and built here: ``D:\repos\pyensight``. With these conditions, one can run the extension from the command line like this: .. code-block:: bat cd "C:\Users\user1\AppData\Local\ov\pkg\create-2023.2.5" .\kit.bat --ext-folder "D:\repos\pyensight\src\ansys\pyensight\core\exts" --enable ansys.tools.omniverse.core --/exts/ansys.tools.omniverse.core/help=1 Will generate the following output in the logs: .. code-block:: ANSYS Tools Omniverse Core:: ansys.tools.omniverse.core-0.1.0 --/exts/ansys.tools.omniverse.core/help=1 Display this help. --/exts/ansys.tools.omniverse.core/run=1 Run the server. --/exts/ansys.tools.omniverse.core/omniUrl=URL Omniverse pathname. (default: omniverse://localhost/Users/test) --/exts/ansys.tools.omniverse.core/dsgUrl=URL Dynamic Scene Graph connection URL. (default: grpc:// --/exts/ansys.tools.omniverse.core/securityCode=TOKEN Dynamic Scene Graph security token. (default: ) --/exts/ansys.tools.omniverse.core/temporal=0|1 If non-zero, include all timeseteps in the scene. (default: False) --/exts/ansys.tools.omniverse.core/vrmode=0|1 If non-zero, do not include a camera in the scene. (default: False) --/exts/ansys.tools.omniverse.core/normalizeGeometry=0|1 If non-zero, remap the geometry to the domain [-1,-1,-1]-[1,1,1]. (default: False) Documenting the various kit command line options. Using the ``run=1`` option will launch the server from from the command line. This version of the service will be run using the version of the pyensight module installed in the specified ``--ext-folder``. When run as above, the service will use the latest released of the ansys.pyensight.core wheel. It is important the the ``--ext-folder`` option point to the ``exts`` directory inside of the ``ansys\pyensight\core`` directories as this will cause the kit to use the ``ansys.tools.omniverse.core`` module from the directories above the kit instead of the any version installed in the kit Python itself. From an Omniverse Application GUI ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This approach is very similar to the CLI approach in that one needs to get the GUI application to use the kit from either a source code checkout or perhaps from a local EnSight install. In either case, the key point is to add the same directory pointed out earlier to the GUI application. For example, if one has a copy of the pyensight repo checked out as in the previous CLI example, the key directory will be ``D:\repos\pyensight\src\ansys\pyensight\core\exts``. This pathname can be added to the extensions path in an application like "Composer" through this GUI: .. image:: /_static/omniverse_app_paths.png With the path in place, the kits will show up in the Third-party extensions list and can be activated in the GUI. .. image:: /_static/omniverse_app_exts.png