.. _rest_api: ******** REST API ******** An EnSight session that is started using PyEnSight may enable the direct REST API. The REST API, which allows JavaScript code to directly access the EnSight Python APIs, is only available in EnSight 2024 R1 and later. To enable the REST API, you set the ``enable_rest_api`` keyword to ``True`` for the Launcher subclass ctor. .. note:: The information here is for informational purposes only. The REST API has been defined, but it is not currently enabled in EnSight. It is scheduled for release in EnSight 2024 R1. REST API enablement via PyEnSight --------------------------------- You can start the REST API service via the PyEnSight local launcher:: >>> from ansys.pyensight.core import LocalLauncher >>> s = LocalLauncher(enable_rest_api=True).start() >>> s.load_data(f"{s.cei_home}/ensight{s.cei_suffix}/data/cube/cube.case") >>> uri_base = f"http://{s.hostname}:{s.html_port}/ensight/v1/{s.secret_key}" The base URI looks something like this, but the port and GUID can vary: ````. Basic REST API -------------- You can use the string from the previous example to execute REST calls via Python ``requests``:: >>> import requests >>> requests.put(uri_base+"/eval", json="ensight.objs.core.PARTS").json() ['@ENSOBJ=1022@'] >>> requests.put(uri_base+"/eval", json="ensight.objs.core.PARTS", params=dict(returns="DESCRIPTION,VISIBLE")).json() [['Computational mesh', True]] The REST calls use the REST API to run the ``ensight.objs.core.PARTS`` command and output something like ``['@ENSOBJ=1022@']``, a reference to object 1022. What the query option returns is then used to return the ``DESCRIPTION`` and ``VISIBLE`` attributes. In this case, the output for the second ``PUT`` is ``[['Computational mesh', True]]``. .. note:: Examples here leverage Python requests to execute REST calls, but tools like cURL and Swagger can also be leveraged. The intended use of the REST API is via JavaScript to use ``fetch()`` from within a web page, making it possible to control and interact with a PyEnSight-launched EnSight instance directly from the browser. Moreover, both PyEnSight and REST calls can be used to talk to the same EnSight session, making it possible to communicate between browser JavaScript and PyEnSight Python scripts using the EnSight instance as a common communication hub. Remote Python functions ----------------------- Continuing the example, the REST API can be used to define a Python function in the remote EnSight session. First define the function:: >>> foo_src = "def foo(n:int = 1):\n return list(numpy.random.rand(n))\n" >>> requests.put(uri_base+"/def_func/myapp/foo", json=foo_src, params=dict(imports="numpy")) The preceding code uses the provided function source code to define a function named ``foo`` in the ``myapp`` namespace. The function being defined should use keywords only, no positional arguments. .. note:: If the namespace does not exist, it is created. The function also makes use of the ``numpy`` module. A function must either import the module inside of the function or include the names of the modules in the ``imports`` query options as a comma-separated list of module names. Because numpy arrays do not directly support serialization to JSON, a list is used for the returned value. Once the function has been defined, it can be called like this:: >>> requests.put(uri_base+"/call_func/myapp/foo", json=dict(n=3)).json() [0.2024879142048186, 0.7627361155568255, 0.6102904199228575] The returned JSON is a list of three random floating point numbers. Direct commands --------------- The native API can be called directly using the REST API:: >>> requests.put(uri_base+"/cmd/ensight.view_transf.rotate", json=[5.2,10.4,0]).json() 0 The EnSight view rotates accordingly. The object API can also be called directly. You can get or set object attributes in various forms on single objects or lists of objects:: >>> requests.get(uri_base+"/ensobjs/ensight.objs.core/PARTS").json() ['@ENSOBJ=1022@'] >>> requests.get(uri_base+"/ensobjs/ensight.objs.core/PARTS", params=dict(returns="VISIBLE,__OBJID__")).json() [[True, 1022]] >>> requests.put(uri_base+"/ensobjs/1022/VISIBLE", json=False) >>> requests.put(uri_base+"/ensobjs/setattrs", json=dict(objects=["1022"], values=dict(VISIBLE=False))) >>> requests.put(uri_base+"/ensobjs/getattrs", json=[1022], params=dict(returns="DESCRIPTION,VISIBLE")).json() {'1022': ['Computational mesh', False]} >>> requests.put(uri_base+"/eval", json="ensight.objs.core").json() '@ENSOBJ=220@' >>> requests.put(uri_base+"/eval", json="ensight.objs.core", params=dict(returns="__OBJID__")).json() 220 You can specify objects by name (``ensight.objs.core``) or by number (``220``) and return any attributes of the objects in a single call, reducing the number of REST calls needed for complex operations. Shared token security --------------------- The REST API leverages shared secrets to control access to the EnSight instance. Every PyEnSight-launched instance has a shared secret token that must be provided in all REST calls. This shared secret token can be accessed using the PyEnSight :attr:`secret_key` attribute. All REST APIs expect that the token be specified in one of two ways: - The token can be passed as part of the URL path in this form: ``{LOCATION}/ensight/v1/{TOKEN}/{OPERATION}``. - The token can be passed in an ``Authorization: Bearer TOKEN`` header. When you use this approach, you can pass any value in the URL path. If you supply tokens using both methods, the token in the header is used. REST API reference ------------------ .. openapi:: ensight_rest_v1.yaml :examples: