.. _ref_libuserd_api_docs: ********************** LibUserd API reference ********************** The ``libuserd`` module allows PyEnSight to directly access EnSight user-defined readers (USERD). Any file format for which EnSight uses a USERD interface can be read using this API. .. note:: This module was first introduced with the Ansys 2025 R1 distribution. It should be considered **Beta** at this point in time. Please report issues via github. .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 4 .. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary/ ansys.pyensight.core.libuserd ansys.pyensight.core.libuserd.LibUserd ansys.pyensight.core.libuserd.ReaderInfo ansys.pyensight.core.libuserd.Reader ansys.pyensight.core.libuserd.Part ansys.pyensight.core.libuserd.Variable ansys.pyensight.core.libuserd.Query ansys.pyensight.core.libuserd.LibUserdError