LibUserd API reference#

The libuserd module allows PyEnSight to directly access EnSight user-defined readers (USERD). Any file format for which EnSight uses a USERD interface can be read using this API.


This module was first introduced with the Ansys 2025 R1 distribution. It should be considered Beta at this point in time. Please report issues via github.


The libuserd module allows PyEnSight to directly access EnSight user-defined readers (USERD).


LibUserd is the primary interface to the USERD library.


This class represents an available reader, before it has been instantiated.

ansys.pyensight.core.libuserd.Reader(userd, pb)

This class represents is an instance of a user-defined reader that is actively reading a dataset.

ansys.pyensight.core.libuserd.Part(userd, pb)

This class represents the EnSight notion of a part.

ansys.pyensight.core.libuserd.Variable(userd, pb)

The class represents a reader "variable" instance.

ansys.pyensight.core.libuserd.Query(userd, pb)

The class represents a reader "query" instance.


This class is an exception object raised from the libuserd library itself (not the gRPC remote interface).